We’ve had to take FULL advantage of our studio space this summer. It’s been hot, hot, H O T!! And we’ve come to learn that our studio is the perfect place for portraits of babies & small children.
{Sign Up for your studio session today! }
Think you need to go outdoors for a session?? While outdoor portraits are wonderful for certain occasions you can still achieve lovely portraits indoor. We implement natural light when available & suplement with a little added touch of creative lighting here or there 😉
We absolutely still travel for our clients; however, travel is only included when booking a PlayShoot. There are several options for PlayShoots; ask about the different options availableWe suggest these types of sessions (PlayShoots) once children are actively walking & interactively playing. (These are on-location, day in the life photo shoots!)
If you need head shots or a quick fine art portrait; the studio is the perfect place! For those who haven’t been here, it’s a home-style studio. That means it’s a comfortable atmosphere, utilizing drapery & fun furnishings- not the standard ‘white wall’ studio fake backdrops. We redecorate a few times a year to add variety for my families that return several times a year.
Sign Up for a studio session today! Follow this link to our sign up form & Blair will be in touch to set your date 😉 Our studio is convieniently located in historic Overland Park on 79th Street.
Weekday studio sessions are $175; Weekend studio sessions are $225 | PlayShoots start at $350