Photography Classes in Kansas City

photograph of kansas city photographer, Adrienne Maples behind a camera

Want to learn how to create great images but don’t know where to start?

Photography class with a professional will teach you more in one lesson than hours of online instruction. Sites like Skillshare offer plenty of tutorials, YouTube is full of options and in Johnson County you can take an online class with the community college but nothing compares to 1 on 1 instruction!

Our photos lessons are designed to elevate your skills and transform the way you use your camera.

Master more than the basics… learn how to see light.

Our photography lessons goes beyond the technical aspects of photography, teaching you how to:

  • Develop a photographer’s eye, identifying great light and how to use it
  • Think creatively, capturing beauty and telling stories through creative composition

Our one-on-one lessons are developed around our standard course curriculum. You’ll have access to a Google folder where you can print out our workbook.

  • Camera Basics– ISO, Shutter Speed, F-stop
  • Proper Exposure – Metering for Middle Grey
  • Composition– Rule of Thirds, Using Negative Space
  • Light– Finding light, Quality of light, Color Temperature
  • Creating with Intention
  • Digital Workflow & File Management

Learn more about our photography lessons for all ages or sign up now.

Individual Classes for Adults

Individual classes are 90 minutes and curriculum is based on individual needs. Adult classes are $175 per lesson.

Private Photography Lessons for Teens

Classes ages 12-17; 60 minutes. You’ll need a DSLR (camera body, lens & flash card) in order to practice assignments. Ideally you’ll download your images to a computer for review. $500/ 4 classes

Who’s ready to get their camera out of program mode & start exploring!?! Book your lesson Now!

xoxo adrienne signing off

#photographyclasses #photographyyouthprograms #learningphotography #kansascityphotoclasses #artcamp #artclasses

Great Resources:

Metering Modes & How your Camera Meter Works

Sign up for a photo class.

Space is limited. Your spot will be reserved once payment is made in full.

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What will I learn?


Our 6 week course is designed to take you through the entire process of creating an image.


We start by learning the basic principles of light & exposure. We discuss composition and the elements which make an image interesting.


After each class, students will have a homework assignment to complete prior to their next class.


Who are classes designed for?


We provide several options depending on the age & skill level of our students.


Our teen & pre-teen class is designed to provide youngsters with the necessary skills to create impactful images by editing down and thinking about the impact they wish to create.


Our adult classes are based on individual needs from understanding the basics to creating dynamic lighting.

What equipment do I need?


Ideally we want to teach you how to harness the power of a digital SLR camera with interchangeable lenses.


While we can still teach you the basics with a cell phone, our classes are designed to demystify your traditional SLR camera.


Exploring the aspects of different lenses, when to use what lens and why they create different effects.

What if I miss a class?


There will be one make up class per session; however all lessons are pre-paid and there are no refunds for missing class.


We do understand that life happens therefore we offer a makeup class with every 6 week course.






[email protected]

(913) 549-3335


Business Hours:
M-Th 10 - 5 PM

Studio Hours:
By Appointment Only

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Copyright 2024 Adrienne Maples PhotoStudios, Inc. All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cashed or otherwise used, except with prior written permission.