Tag Archives: Feature

The First Year {motherhood}

It’s almost April already… the Ides of March have come & gone…  the day that my daughter was born.  The day I began to see the world in a different way.  When I began to realize just how hard it was going to be to teach another human being everything I have learned & everything I still...

Hand-Made Butterfly Jewels

We are thrilled to offer a unique line of jewelry created by artists David Foster & Christina Campbell. Currently you can only find these lovely jewels in my studio in downtown Overland Park.  I’ve had the special opportunity to hand-select pieces to display & offer at an introductory rate during my open studio on April...

For the Love of an Elderly Pet

[pinterest]Most of us have had a furry friend join our lives somewhere along the way… It’s amazing how quickly they become an intricate part of the family. The love of an animal is  unconditional & steadfast.  The hardest part of our lives together is when we begin to realize our constant companion ages much, much faster than we do. ...

Hulk of a ManBaby {newborn}

Meet Aristos- who came into this world 10.5 pounds!  At our shoot, he was already up to 13 pounds. His incredible mother is a petite woman- not much taller than I am & she labored with this ‘little’ man for more than 30 hours!  It makes me grateful my little bean was a mere 6.5...

Baby Dalton {6 months}

Meet Ashlee’s little gangsta’: Dalton.  He is now seven months old & Emmaline will be a year next month.  Even though they are 3 months apart, he and Emmaline weight exactly the same amount! They are built completely differently, Em being a dainty, petite little girl & Dalton is a solid mass of a little...

Baby Collections {maternity}

Another lovely couple expecting a little one VERY soon.  I was honored to be a part of their wedding & now I am beyond thrilled that I get to witness & capture the growth of their family.  It truly makes my week when I get the call that a previous client/friend is expecting a child. I think...

Totally Tyler {Fun-Loving Babies}

You probably recognize this cute face!  It’s little Tyler one of the little guys I get to see every few months.  It’s amazing to watch these kids grow up in front of my lens.  It’s bitter sweet that they get so big so fast.  But at least we are capturing it all!  Here are a...

The Best Birthday Gift

Only 48 hours before my birthday, Emmaline started saying ‘ma-mama-mama-ma’.  A couple of days before that she started saying ‘dada’ but over the last week her favorite word consistently was ‘mama’.  It’s incredibly sweet.  Although it is hard to deny her when she calls out to me… she clearly has me figured out.  And it’s not quite as sweet...

My Fair Wedding with David Tutera

On March 15th I got an excited text message from my office assistant. She had just answered a call from someone with David Tutera weddings team. For those who aren’t familiar, David Tutera is a celebrity wedding planner who has a show on the WE network called ‘My Fair Wedding‘. They were contacting us about...


the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

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the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

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*bw photo by Sara Brennen-Harrell

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