Snow What?!?


The first day of Spring came & went in Kansas City.  To all of our disbelief, a winter storm was brewing on the horizon threatening to bring another 10-12 inches to Kansas!!  What?!?  I had already packed all of my winter clothes away as had all of the local retail shops. Remember, this girl is from South Georgia… when we get a mere dusting, everything shuts down.

I talked to my bride & groom on Wednesday, and in an attempt to prepare for the worst I told her to pack a pair of boots & perhaps a coat.  They were coming in from California, so they were going to be in for a BIG shock.  I also mentioned that maybe the bridesmaids should find a pair of rain boots.

‘So we’ll wear the boots outside & then take them off.. or what?” she innocently asks.

‘I just want us to be totally prepared, just in case’ I replied fully knowing there is NO WAY they could step outside in high heels if we had freezing rain & the amounts of snow they were predicting.  I can just see bridesmaids slipping on ice & breaking something…  I want amazing photos, not broken bones!

I must say, the snow was breath taking… as I watched the ceremony, I knew that no matter how wonderfully the images turned out- they couldn’t possibly be as magical as the moment truly was.  Honestly, it was one of the most beautiful ceremonies I’ve witnessed.

(Technical details: Shooting inside with a back lit couple & fast falling snow can be quite a challenge. I set up a side light to light my couple.  They were back lit, which makes it challenging to freeze the bright, fast moving snow.  I used a fast shutter to freeze the snow I slowed my shutter when I wanted to pull more interior ambient light.  Remember to check out our CameraHow?! class schedule to conquer your camera fears!)











the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

[email protected]


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the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

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*bw photo by Sara Brennen-Harrell

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