I remember picking up Modern Bride many years ago, the images were eye candy- gorgeous gowns, beautiful brides, scene settings that made the reader envious to attend such a wedding. And while flipping through these beautiful events, I must admit, I wanted to see my images appear on these glossy pages. It finally happened in the Dec/Jan issue of 2009 & just in time.
Sadly this is THE final issue of Modern Bride.
It’s been over a year since I got the call from Modern Bride telling me that they were interested in featuring Affton & Lorenzo’s wedding. This Spring I was notified that the wedding had been selected for the Winter issue. I was excited but afraid to mention the news to anyone other than close family. When they called for artwork, I thought it was safe- the article would run…
But in late October the news was not good for Modern & Elegant Bride Magazines. Both of these these along with Gourmet Magazine would be shut down.
Even the wedding industry suffers during a recession?? Every industry is effected, some to a larger degree than others but we have all been affected. This has been a difficult year for everyone I know, if its not losing a job, it’s battling sickness, fighting for health coverage, struggling to keep our homes, relearning to walk or fighting an audit. It’s been a tough year… and that is probably another reason I love wedding day so much. It’s a beautiful escape.
Affton is a fan of glam & glitz and she insisted in hosting a ‘hot pink zebra’ inspired affair. It was a really fun change in pace for us- we get to see some amazing events; however, I can safely say that most brides don’t take a risk this big! I’m so glad that she did. I finally got to see my images on the slick pages of Modern Bride & before it was too late.