Cheap & Easy Tricks for Halloween Decor

Halloween pumpkins from Aldi

Decorating for Halloween

It’s mid- October, and you’re either a parents who long ago checked ‘ Halloween Decorating’ off your list or or you’re like me scrabbling just before the holiday!

After repeated pleas from my daughter, I knew an attempt at decorating was required. But Halloween decor doesn’t need to be expensive or time consuming! It should be a fun way to begin celebrating the Fall holidays with your family and friends.

This is actually the first year I’ve expended any energy into Halloween decor.  But my daughter will be 7 next year and she is doesn’t want to be left out.

I put together a few easy decorating tips for Halloween on the cheap. Even though the month of October is half over, there is still plenty of time to throw up a few spooky decorations and have your child giggling with glee.

We used the plant hanger to start our own Halloween basket. It’s currently home to a few tiny pumpkins but as my daughter creates her own Halloween crafts, we’ve been adding to it.

Cheap Tips & Tricks for Haunting your House

If you didn’t purchase any decor last year after Halloween (this is the best time to stock up for next

year!) then it’s off to the dollar store for your spooky decor needs! For less than $20 bucks, I compiled everything I needed to ‘spook’ up the house and please my first grader.

  1. Spiderweb bushes. These are easy to do but the trick is NOT trimming the bushes prior. This makes it easy to create creepy spiderwebs and this stuff is so sticky, you’ll probably just want to trim up the bushes the first of November for easy clean up.
  2. Haunted Caution tape. This is an easy fix. Wrap it around your bushes, staple it to the house or wrap up your child like a mummy! (kidding) The brightly colored tape adds some pops from the road and can complete the look.
  3. Pumpkins. Yes, everywhere you go there are pumpkins this time of year! While I know I’ll be making that one necessary trip to the pumpkin patch, I bought my giant pumpkins from Aldi for $2.35 each! Inevitably we’ll carve them up or perhaps paint faces on them but for less than $3 each, we could create a pumpkin family!
  4. Bone Yard. I didn’t grab any ‘random bones’ from the dollar store. At the time, I didn’t understand how I could use the bones. But then I saw someone with a bone yard display!  The bones were scattered throughout their yard and a few creepy skeletons were crawling without legs! I felt that might be a little much for my little girl (or perhaps just me).
  5. Spooky Printouts. If you’re more ambitious that I was and choose to continue decorating the inside your home, spooky faces are easy and cheap to print on your own.haunted house halloween pumpkins


What ideas did you come up with this Halloween? Any great tips you’d like to share???

There are plenty of Halloween Craft ideas online. Here are a few we are going to check out:

Spider Web Craft

The Girl Scouts put these Flying bat Pinata’s together.

Party City has some fun ideas for parties, including GIANT spiders.


the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

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the Photographer

Adrienne Maples


Kansas City photographer, Adrienne Maples, weaves together powerful narratives with her photographs to create mood and evoke emotion.


She's an AI enthusiast, passionate about teaching others how to use technology responsibly for the greater good. Known for her 'spunk & pizazz', she directs from behind her camera, finding impromptu designing to transform mediocrity into the extraordinary.


She a board member of AIGA and KCAC. As a committee member of KCDW, she organized the 2024 talks: The A.I. Asset, Creator as Curator.

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*bw photo by Sara Brennen-Harrell

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